Skyland General Improvement District | Board of Trustees | Agenda and Meeting Notice
Kevin Lavo, President/Chair
Cathy Gibb, Vice-President, John Peel, Treasurer,
David Nyre, Secretary, Larry Sidney, Trustee
Notice of Public Meeting
Thursday, June 25, 2020, 3:00pm
Go-To Meeting Conference Call
This meeting will be held electronically using Go To Meeting. Any member of the public is welcome to join the meeting using a computer, tablet or smartphone.
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (786) 535-3211
Access Code: 746-033-365
Pursuant to Section #241 of the NRS and laws of Nevada, the Skyland General Improvement District notifies all parties that the Board of Trustees will conduct business of the District at the above time and place.
Items may not be heard in the order they are listed, items may be removed or delayed at any time, and two or more items may be combined for consideration.
Call to Order – Roll Call – Establish Quorum
PUBLIC FORUM: Any person wishing to address the Board on items of interest not listed on the agenda may do so at this time. It is requested comments be limited to three minutes since no action may be taken by the Board on items addressed under Public Forum. Public comment will be invited at the time action items are considered, before action is taken.
- Possible approval of May 21, 2020 meeting minutes.
- Possible approval of Geotechnical investigation survey for the Skyland fence project.
COMMITTEE INFORMATIONAL REPORTS: Beach, Landscaping, Road Maintenance & Drainage, Neighborhood Watch, VHR
Next Meeting: TBD
ADJOURNMENT: Agendas posted at Skyland Entrance, Skyland Beach & Myron Court, and on the GID website: